Law department

Type of intervention
Architectural executive design
2012-to present
Università “Tor Vergata” (Rome)
Tor Vergata Soc.Consortile a.r.l.
Educational buildings

The projects follows the following criteria: preservation of the proximity to the Rectorate complex through connections and dedicated paths; Organization of the functional areas and of volumes that aims to underline the “dissonance” with the Rectorate, whose central role is preserved; Maximization of energy saving strategies. The complex is composed of three main parts: An underground basement, with parking and service areas; An above-ground basement, with an irregular profile, oriented longitudinally along the North-South axis, which contains the main common functions (library; cafeteria; hall; secretarial offices; larger capacity classrooms); Parallelepiped volumes, emerging from the irregular profile base, mainly containing classrooms and offices, four of which with a rectangular base (and interconnected), one with a square base, reserved to the offices.

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